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Barrel Stop Winery Chapter 11 “can charitably be described as chaos” — Bankruptcy Trustee

Legal filings are usually tangled, obtuse and nuanced. So it was refreshing to read this one filed by the court-appointed bankruptcy trustee. Given its startling and uncharacteristic clarity, we decided not to paraphrase it, but to present it complete, untouched and unedited. RESPONSE TO OBJECTIONS TO MOTION TO CONVERT CASE TO CHAPTER 7 “This chapter […]

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B. R. Cohn Downsizes Staff In Restructuring, Says No Bankruptcy

B. R. Cohn Winery and Olive Oil Company has laid off 12 staff members — 30% of its workforce — as part of a restructuring said Dan Cohn, Senior Vice President, head of national sales and founder Bruce Cohn’s eldest son Wine Industry Insight spoke with Cohn Tuesday afternoon after receiving reports of the layoffs […]

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Crushpad Asset Sale Planned, Private Equity Firm In The Bidding

Crushpad’s board of directors Thursday assigned the company to Sherwood Partners, the same Mountain View asset disposition company used by New Vine Logistics and MyWines Direct. Sherwood has scheduled a sale of Crushpad’s assets on Aug. 7. Tiburon-based CastleGate Capital Advisors, which has purchased the company’s debt from Silicon Valley Bank, hopes to be the […]

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Updates: Barrel Stop’s Purple Unicorn and Russian River Vineyards Ch11

The Purple Unicorn In Barrel Stop Winery’s Soap Opera The Barrel Stop bankruptcy continues to be a tiresomely muddled soap opera in which no one is sure who’s on first except for the purple unicorn. Wine Executive News subscribers please click here to read the complete 692-word article. The rest of this article is for […]

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Naked Wines Rents Blackstone Winery From Ken Wilson, Offers $100/ton Custom Crush

Naked Wines has signed a deal with Ken Wilson to use the Blackstone Winery in Kenwood to offer custom crush operations at $100/ton to “experienced winemakers,” according to information received from Naked Wines. Founder Rowan Gormley said the deal adds to the more than $5.5 million “investment” the company has already made with American winemakers […]

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Former American Wine Distributors President Responds to Tudor Wines Lawsuit

On July 9, Wine Industry Insight published the following short article: Tudor Wines Sues American Wine Distributors On July 10, Dan Tudor left a comment at the bottom of that article page quoting a court decision at length and adding: “If you have also been harmed by Michael Denny and would like to join the […]

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Crushpad: Shoot The Messenger And Maybe Nobody’ll Notice Us.

Crushpad seems to spend an awful lot of time trying to blame all their problems on others, especially Wine Industry Insight. Their communications continue the handy fiction that if only we didn’t report anything — and their clients remained in the dark — they’d be all fine and dandy. Never mind that all our articles […]

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Crushpad Update: Clients Concerned But Company Sees Hope For Funding

Disappointment and shock over Crushpad’s U.S. problems are trending toward anger. Wine Industry Insight  has received numerous emails over the past week to say that scheduled bottlings have been canceled, some clients can’t retrieve wine they have already paid for and none can get Crushpad personnel to respond to phone calls and emails. This at […]

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Barrel Stop Winery Sold, Still Heads For Liquidation

Barrel Stop Winery’s federal bankruptcy trustee has sold the winery’s assets and liabilities, but the transaction stops far short of ending the affair. The purchase follows an earlier, unsuccessful attempt by a Rothschild impersonator, sex offender and friend of the Schutzes to buy the assets on behalf of a suspended corporation that could not legally […]

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Tudor Wines Sues American Wine Distributors

Luxury Pinot Noir maker Tudor Wines has sued the now-defunct American Wine Distributors charging that the winery was never paid for $29,805.65 in wine delivered to AWD. The suit asks for the principal plus interest and attorneys’ fees. AWD owner Michael Denny said by email that he was not aware of the lawsuit and added, […]

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