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European Union, Mexico Raise New Barriers To U.S. Wine

American wine exporters now have new international trade barriers to hurdle in Europe and Mexico. EU NOW BANNING U.S. LABELS CONTAINING THE WORDS CHATEAU, VINTAGE, SUPERIOR AND MORE Chateau Montelena, Clos Pegase,  Chateau Ste. Michelle, and Clos du Bois are among the many wineries whose names have been banned on labels by the European Union […]

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Copia Part 3: Gloves Come Off In Chapter 11 – Door Opens For Bare-Knuckle Litigator and Fraudulent Transfer Charges

Copia’s increasingly combative bankruptcy process took a decidedly gladiatorial turn late Tuesday night when Robert Mondavi’s now-insolvent wine and food center withdrew its previous liquidation plan. LITIGATION AGAINST BANK OF NEW YORK As reported by Wine Industry Insight on Feb. 20, Copia’s plan met with aggressive objections from unsecured creditor Copia Claims LLC which contends […]

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How Did An Insolvent Copia Get A $78 Million Muni Bond Loan? Part 2 In A Series

Robert Mondavi was a man of large ideas and grand initiatives. His dreams propelled him to greatness and created for him a home in the hearts of millions. But big and grand also brought him down, and with him, the winery that bore his name. And Copia. Despite his personal gifts to Copia totaling some […]

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Copia Bankruptcy: The Tip Of A Muni Bond Scandal? Part 1

REVERENCE AND PERPLEXITY Copia is dead. But still they come. Long live Copia. On a sunny March Napa Sunday, the faithful come  in Fords and Jaguars, Hondas, pick-ups and Priuses. Back home, some of the mourners have walk-in wine cellars, others a couple of bottles of Two Buck Chuck on the kitchen counter. ROBERT MONDAVI: […]

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Nickel- And Dime-A-Drink Bills Introduced in California Legislature

Taxing alcohol by the drink has more lives than a legion of cats, and has come back bigger and meaner than ever with a dime-a-drink tax in the California Assembly and a new nickel tax — disguised as a fee — filed in the Senate. Assembly Bill AB 1019 [VIP Data Cellar link] introduced Feb. […]

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Mobius Painter Adversaries To Battle Over Competing Plans

Following a contentious confirmation hearing on the Mobius Painter/Winery Disposition Group (WDG) reorganization plan, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Alan Jaroslovsky has scheduled a continuation to begin at 10 a.m., March 26 in the Santa Rosa courtroom. The full text (1,282 words) of this article is available here to subscribers of the VIP Content Center. Click here […]

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Experienced Voices Address Water-To-Wine Issue

On Friday March 6, Wine Industry Insight published a sort piece asking for reader input on an Economist article about how much water it takes to produce a glass of wine (Wine’s Mammoth Water Footprint: 120 Liters To Make One Glass?). The many responses we received from so many highly experienced people shows how wonderful […]

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Peter Duff, Wife Die Together At Zurich Euthanasia Clinic

Peter Duff, Executive Vice President of the International Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC), cofounder of the UK Wine Guild and founder of Alcohol in Moderation and his wife Penelope (Penny) both ended their battle against terminal cancer at the Dignitas clinic in Zurich, Switzerland. Peter Duff was 80, Penelope, 70. In an email to Wine […]

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February Brand Wine Sales Winners And Losers

Of the largest 100 brands (by total dollar sales), box and value-priced wines remained as sales growth winners in February, 2009 according to a Wine Business Insight analysis of data from Information Resources, Inc. (IRI). Boxes from Delicato, Carlo Rossi and Vendage took first, second and sixth places with percent sales gains of 109.8, 100.5 […]

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Wine Sales Continue Upward Trajectory For Second Straight Month, Outpace Past 52-Week Growth by 30%

Wine sales have scored their second straight month of  significant sales increases, outpacing the overall revenue growth of the past 52 weeks by approximately 30 percent. Sparkling wine and Champagne more than tripled its growth rate. For the four-week period ending Feb. 22,, table wines sold through U.S. food and drug stores have increased 6.6 […]

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