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Is the clock ticking down on cult wines?


Steve Heimoff has a solid piece on the state of “cult” wines here: Is the clock ticking down on cult wines?


However, Steve’s link to the Chronicle article did not mention that there was no actual reporting on the Bryant Family Vineyards legal case by Ester Mobley. I broke that story on June 3 and there is a  lot more to the case than she reported.


And, as you can see by the screencap, below, she did not honor her commitment to credit me.


Stay tuned. Wine Industry Insight will continue to do actual court reporting on the case. We do it from the court records, instead of two hours of wine drinking at the winery and three free bottles of wine (according to a Bryant winery source).

June 3, 2019 – The original Wine Industry Insight Article: Bryant Family Vineyards facing serious financial accusations in federal court

June 3, 2019 email from SF Chronicle:  (Journalists’ credibility is only as good as their word.)

Screen Shot 2019-06-18 at 6.36.26 AM

No credit given in the Chronicle article. (Right-click image to enlarge.)

July 18, SF Chronicle: Bryant Estate legal fight offers glimpse into ‘cult’ wineries’ secretive world