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“Act Now: Support Alcohol Tax Increase!”

That’s the subject line of an email the Marin Institute spammed the globe with a week or so ago. It was all too predictable that California’s leading NroProhibitionist group would take advantage of hard economic times to push its “alcohol and other drugs” agenda.

It’s significant that they have picked up on the PPIC survey and will use it as their big stick in the coming months. Even if “nickel a drink” doesn’t make it in the current budget deal, remember that California is almost into the next fiscal cycle.

Here’s the entire email, forwarded to Wine Industry Insight by a reader.

Tell Your California Assembly and Senate Leaders to Support Schwarzenegger’s Alcohol Tax Increase Proposal

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has proposed a nickel a drink tax increase on wine, beer, and distilled spirits. Recent polling shows Californians overwhelmingly support this idea and understand that an increase on alcohol taxes is long overdue.

An alcohol tax increase of 5 cents per drink is by far the most popular idea proposed by the governor in the current budget plan, with the support of 85 percent of California residents. We urge you to show your support and write to your state legislators.

The alcohol industry has made deceptive claims designed to benefit profits at the expense of public health and safety. The truth is that California’s current wine tax rate is far below the nation’s average, while beer taxes have declined in value by 49% over the years due to inflation. Meanwhile, alcohol-related problems cost California $38 billion dollars annually. Don’t believe industry’s attempts to avoid paying its fair share.

The last alcohol tax increase in the state was in 1992, more than 16 years ago. A nickel a drink tax increase will raise $878 million over the next 18 months and help reduce the California’s serious budget shortfall. The new tax revenue will be specifically allocated for much-needed alcohol treatment and prevention programs.

A nickel a drink will save lives, reduce crime, and lower the devastating costs of alcohol-related harm. Please tell your State Assembly and Senate leaders that a nickel a drink is the change we need, and to pass this important policy proposal as soon as possible.