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UPDATE: Agenda set for Calif Ag Dept to hold Dec. 17 workshop on Suisun Valley Vintners and Growers changes to grape pricing districts

UPDATE: The agenda and speakers havve been announced for the CDFA Dec. 17 workshop on Suisun Valley Vintners and Growers changes to grape pricing districts

Information regarding the petition and workshop agenda can be found at this link.


In addition to public input, the agenda includes presentations by:

  • CDFA
  • The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service
  • Allied Grape Grape Growers CRO Jeff Bitter and
  • Roger King, President Suisun Valley Vinters and Growers.


1. Welcome

2. Purpose of Workshop

3. Proposed Changes to Grape Pricing Districts 5 and 17 (Ryer Island District)

4. National Agricultural Statistics Service – Comparative Analysis of Proposal

5. Public Input

6. Overview of Regulatory Process

Previous coverage

See original Wine Industry Insight coverage:


NEWS: From the website of the California Department of Food and Agriculture (Unedited)


Notice is hereby given that the California Department of Food and Agriculture (Department) is calling a public workshop to consider potential amendments to the regulations associated with the Grape Pricing Districts utilized in preparation of the annual Grape Crush Report.


Workshop Date, Place and Time -The workshop will be held on December 17, 2019, in the Department’s Auditorium located at 1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. The workshop will begin at 1:30 PM.


Petition Received by the Department- On August 27, 2019, the Department received a petition from the Suisun Valley Vintners and Growers Association (Association), and upon review of the petition, the Department has determined that a workshop should be conducted to encourage industry discussion and receive public input per the Administrative Procedures Act (Government Code 11346.45).


The Association’s petition is requesting a regulatory change to the Grape Pricing Districts associated with and utilized in preparation of the Grape Crush Report. Specifically, a change to the boundary definition of Grape Price District 5 which also impacts the boundary definition of Grape Price District 17, which includes the Ryer Island region.


The change in Grape Price District boundaries is requested to remedy bifurcated and regionally disparate District 5 market data and to remedy negative economic impacts in District 5.
Call of Workshop – The workshop will provide the opportunity for the Association to present their petition for proposed changes to Grape Pricing District 5 (and Grape Price District 17) and allow for public comment on the proposed changes.


Interested parties should refer to the Grape Price Districts established in the California Code of Regulations (CCR) – Title 3, Division 3, Chapter 2, Article 1, Subsection 1700 (Grape Pricing Districts), as well as Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) 55601.5 et seq (Clare Berryhill Grape Crush Report Act of 1976).


Workshop – At the workshop, the Association will present their petition and allow for public comment. Department staff, as well as staff from the United States Department
Division of Marketing Services • 1220 N Street • Sacramento, California 95814 State of California Telephone: 916.900-5011 • www.cdfa Gavin Newsom, Governor
Karen Ross, Secretary of Agriculture – National Agricultural Statistics Services (USDA-NASS), will be present to provide technical and administrative information and guidance to attendees of the workshop. The agenda for the workshop will be posted to the website listed below within ten days of the workshop date.


Next Steps Resulting from the Workshop- Once the workshop is conducted, the Department’s decision will include consideration of all relevant factors including, but not limited to, the following:


► The reasonableness and economic soundness of the proposed Grape Pricing District boundary changes.
► Level of support, or opposition, of the proposed Grape Pricing District boundary changes.
Possible next steps as a result of the workshop could include the following:
► Decision to pursue the proposed regulatory changes
► Decision to not purse the proposed regulatory changes
► Decision to conduct additional workshops to allow for further discussion about the proposed regulatory changes


Public Participation – All interested persons are invited to attend and participate in the workshop. Interested parties are encouraged to present any data or information that is relevant to the call of the workshop: Information regarding the petition and workshop agenda can be found at


Persons with Disabilities – The Department wishes to ensure that all members of the public have access to public meetings. If you require a reasonable accommodation, please contact Suzanne Lashley at (916) 900-5011 or TDD (800) 735-2929.