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Family Winemakers of Calif asks Ag Secretary if reduced tasting room visits by appointment are OK

This is an excerpt from an email broadcast from the Family Winemakers of California
“[H]ere is a link to Cellar Pass. Cellar Pass is a company that can set up a “by appointment only” system for wineries. This is the request I sent to Secretary Ross for consideration by the Governor: As an alternative to closing the tasting rooms do you think the Governor would be open to allowing reduced customers (say half the capacity, similar to restaurants)?  I am working with a company to arrange for all attendees by appointment only. This will allow the winery to manage the flow directly. The thought here was to provide wineries with at least some customer access and this system could also be used by customers to make arrangements to at least purchase wine if they are not allowed to taste.
“Needless to say, the situation is changing by the minute. As we develop solutions to the “closure” issue we will send more information.
“Pete Downs, President
Family Winemakers of California”