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Lewis Perdue: AgriFoodTech background


Lewis Perdue’s roots run deep in agriculture, high-technology, and venture-funded start-ups. He grew up in a farming family in the Mississippi Delta and spent his formative years surrounded by the ebb and flow of crop production along with the science and finance underpinning it.


Lew graduated from the Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences where received his B.S with distinction after studying Biology (Ecology, Evolution & Systematics), and communications.


Lew’s education also included:


  • An internship, at Westinghouse Electric (Nuclear engineering and high-energy physics).
  • A fellowship in aerospace engineering, at Mississippi State University.
  • A summer internship with the USDA.


Start-up and early-stage company experience

Lew is the founder or early-stage C-suite executive/advisor for a number of technology startups including: Kalpana (bought by Cisco), Lynx Software Systems, and TM Technologies. He has also served as an advisor to the Palo Alto Research Center, NEC, Hewlett-Packard and other major corporations.


The first mobile merchandise payments company — PocketPass — was founded by Lew based on the technology he designed.

Current ventures

Revolution Algorithms is Lew’s newest venture.


In addition, Lew is currently the co-principal investigator of a human study approved by the University of California San Francisco Medical School. Associated with that, he is the Chairman of the Center for Research on Environmental Chemicals in Humans, a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation.


Concurrently, Perdue runs a profitable, online information service he founded — Wine Industry Insight — that currently has the largest subscribership for the North American wine trade. Previously he started Wine Business Monthly and — before its sale — grew that operation into the  #1 print and digital publication for the North American wine trade.


Lew has served on the faculties of Cornell University and UCLA. He is the author of 22 published fiction and non-fiction books including New York Times bestsellers.


More about Lew at this link.