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Calif to move forward on new pricing district for Suisun Valley

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) will move forward in the regulatory process to determine if it should modify the boundary between Grape Pricing Districts 5 and 17 used in the Grape Crush Report.

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Click image to view a more detailed map (available at this previous WII article) looking at the Suisun Valley AVA/Green Valley topography and its North Coast relationships.


The boundary change would shift the boundary between Grape Price Districts 5 and 17 to the west and make the Ryer Island region part of District 17.


“We are very pleased to see this advance to formal regulatory code change, yet recognize there is a long way to go to finish the process,” said Roger King, Chairman of the SVVGA Growers Committee.


The process may take 9 to 12 months according to sources close to the process.


As previously reported in Wine Industry Insight, Suisun Valley AVA and Green Valley (SVVGA) wine grape growers content that their fruit is very different from the rest of Solano County and deserves a lot more respect — especially in prices paid for their grapes.


The SVVGA originally filed its request on August 27, 2019. In response, CDFA held a Dec. 17 workshop to explore the issue further. The process is expected to begin this fall.


The CDFA has a web page devoted to the process at this link.