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Lew lost his shirt at the Vino Casino and no longer buys wine he hasn’t previously tasted and likes


Lew has not been posting new wines here lately because he’s finally done spending money on wine he does not like. That’s because the house always wins at the Vino Casino.


Over the past 5 years, Lew has attempted to find wines at retail that he has not tried before and that he likes. He’s tried to experience the average consumer’s purchase experience. And it sucks.


The best he has ever done is three bottles out of a six-bottle carrier.


More often, he pours out four of the six. He now has a special “wine Hell” in the back yard to dump the plonk because he killed the bacteria in his septic tank because he poured so much down the drain.


His 2020 resolution was to stop that. So, Lew now buys case lots of wine he likes and sticks to those. He’s already reviewed them here and doesn’t want to be endlessly repetitive. Besides, that would seem like he was endorsing a brand which is not only improper, but also useless because everybody’s taste is different.


An average consumer would have punted on wine long before. For that reason, it’s easy to be sympatico with people who just don’t drink wine at all.

I’ll revisit this theme periodically in this space.

