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At least 244 California wineries and vineyards received between $145 & $328 million from Paycheck Protection Program

More than 87,000 California businesses received funds from the from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).


Of those, 244 California Wineries and Vineyards received funds totaling between $145 and $328 million according to online documents from the program.Precise numbers were not provided, only the range of funds. In addition, there have been numerous reports of errors in the PPP data.

Also available: previous WII article on PPP



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The full un-redacted contents and graphics of this article as well as a A PDF detailing all 441 wine-related California companies are available to premium subscribers to Wine Executive News.


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Painstaking process

The government documents listed companies in alphabetical order within a series of funding ranges:

  • $5 million to $10
  • $2 million to $5 million
  • $1 million to $2 million
  • $350,000 to $1 million
  • $150,000 to $350,000

No individual recipients of less than $150,000 were listed.


In order to gather the data presented here, the  somewhat amateurish government format of the data,  required Wine Industry Insight editor Lewis Perdue to manually scan the full 86,689-row spreadsheet of California recipients from A …

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… to Z …

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As a result of the imprecision of that manual scan, this article has probably missed some recipients. The manual scan was also needed because text searches fail to locate recipients whose names do not contain the words: wine, winery, vineyard, and similar search terms.


That manual scan also prompted the section on craft beer and spirits companies since those caught Lew’s eye as he scanned the Excel file at the rate of about 6,000 spreadsheet rows per hour.


Sample screen shots of the full spreadsheet are below.

Industry, Suppliers, Contractors, and consultants

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Notable Associated Companies

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UPDATE: Gallo PR tries to distance winery and Gallo Cattle Co., but no proof available.

Craft Beer and Artisan Spirits Companies

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Trade Media

Media covering the wine industry received $2.5 million to $6,350,000 million.


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Wine Industry Insight did not apply because it did not meet the program’s threshold for potential or anticipated financial distress thanks to loyal advertisers and premium subscribers.