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Silver Springs Winery will be changing the name of Cayuga White grape to just Cayuga

Silver Springs Winery a.k.a. Don Giovanni wines Burdett New York FLX Silver Springs Winery will be changing the name of Cayuga White grape to just Cayuga.


This name change reflecting the true nature of the tribe of indigenous peoples whose civil rights have been denied for centuries. Silver Springs Winery does not believe that the Cayuga White grape name represents our views and values…Silver Springs Winery for years has had a problem with the naming of the grape from Cornell University breeding program, as politically incorrect and insensitive to the Native American tribe.


The Cayuga Nation whose name was Bastardized and hijacked and whose lands that non-indigenous people sit on today illegally. Denying the civil rights of the Cayuga Nation is an Atrocity and still continues today.


Silver Springs Winery embraces the concept of equality for everyone… the concept of #OneLove.


Civil Rights Activist Winemaker and owner Don Giovanni Zuccarino and his daughter Kimmie who is a descendent of the indigenous peoples, embraces the social change that was awakened in this country.