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Commerce7 Announces New Innovative Features



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Commerce7 Partners with Payment Gateway to Provide Email Finder to Assist Wineries in Collecting Email Addresses


Capturing email addresses in the tasting room is one of the most successful ways to promote future ecommerce sales, but it does provide a point of friction in the sales process.


Commerce7 has worked with its preferred payment gateway to retrieve the email address of the guest from a global database of emails based on the credit card being used. During the payment process, after a guest pays with an integrated EMV device, Commerce7 will show a suggested email address to the sales associate.


New to the Commerce7 Platform – The Email Finder is a simple and effective way for wineries to locate guests’ emails in the tasting room so that they can focus on retargeting visitors and drive repeat purchases.


“Capturing emails in the tasting room for a new guest has always put the onus on the winery staff to ask for an email. We’ve seen POS solutions like Square shift that process so that after one merchant has captured the email, the other merchants benefit. We reached out to our payment gateway provider and were excited when opted to work with us on this feature” says Andrew Kamphuis, President of Commerce7.


For Commerce7 clients, the Email Finder is able to automatically search for a guest’s email once they make a purchase to capture information up front, eliminating the hassle of having to ask or search for it manually. This gives wineries the opportunity to capitalize on their investment, remarket to guests once they’ve gone home, and turn them into a repeat buyer or a club member, and can grow their lifetime value.


There is a lot of time, energy, and money that gets invested in creating a great experience for guests in the tasting room, but without an email, wineries aren’t able to follow up with their visitors and continue that experience online.


After dissecting the data presented in Commerce7’s Annual Report. The impact that capturing email addresses had on wineries’ online sales was hard to ignore. For the top 10 wineries using Commerce7, for every dollar sold in the tasting room, they sold 78 cents online. Compared to the bottom 10 wineries, who sold 13 cents online for every dollar sold in the tasting room. Wineries that are able to collect guest’s email addresses are more successful in selling wine online.


For more information please contact


About Commerce7:
Commerce7 is a DTC platform focused on providing customer-centric commerce solutions to the wine industry. Innovative features such as being 100% API based, their personalization engine, and modern ecommerce and club solutions has made it the platform of choice for wineries looking for a more modern solution. Regardless of size, all clients on the Commerce7 platform have access to the entire suite of products and all features and functionality. For more information, visit




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Commerce7 Introduces Leading Edge GraphQL APIs


The strength of any DTC platform is how well it integrates with other systems. Commerce7’s 100% API based technology has made it seamless for 3rd parties to integrate. Today Commerce7 introduces a GraphQL API alongside its REST APIs for partners to use.


“At Commerce7 we pride ourselves on our modern technology, having completely open APIs has allowed for so many different integrations into our system. GraphQL is going to continue to push the bar,” says Andrew Kamphuis, President of Commerce7.


What is GraphQL
GraphQL is the latest standards in API, originally developed by Facebook, and is used at Airbnb, GitHub, Lyft, and other modern companies.


When it comes to API technology, the old standard was SOAP, the modern standard is REST, and the bleeding edge is GraphQL.


Commerce7’s current REST APIs receive over 19 million API calls a week and respond on average in 85ms. GraphQL takes the speed and API performance to the next level, allowing 3rd party integrations to further define the data they want and streamline the response. With fewer calls and less data, this new leading-edge technology contributes to faster integrations and websites which is a key factor in how wineries drive more ecommerce revenue.


Along with the GraphQL API, Commerce7 has introduced a GraphQL playground for developers to inspect Commerce7 objects and test their queries.


“At Commerce7 we’ve been using our own GraphQL APIs for the past few months, and our internal tests have shown it to be 4 times faster than our already fast REST APIs,” says Andrew Kamphuis.


GraphQL API is available today to all partners of Commerce7.


For questions and comments please contact


About Commerce7:
Commerce7 is a DTC platform focused on providing customer-centric commerce solutions to the wine industry. Innovative features such as being 100% API based, their personalization engine, and modern ecommerce and club solutions has made it the platform of choice for wineries looking for a more modern solution. Regardless of size, all clients on the Commerce7 platform have access to the entire suite of products and all features and functionality. For more information, visit




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Commerce7 Launches Updated “Campaign Builder” to Help Wineries Automate Their Email Marketing Efforts and Drive Revenue.


Email marketing is the single biggest driver of online sales, it outperforms search engines and social media. When done correctly, email marketing should be responsible for 20-30% of wineries’ revenue.


The latest, enhanced version of the Campaign Builder in Commerce7 provides wineries with the tools needed to automate their email marketing and create effective, targeted email campaigns that will help brands stay consistent and assist in better segmenting their customers.


As a leader in personalizations, Commerce7 wanted to bring modern ecommerce features, such as personalization and upfront pricing, into email to help wineries drive more revenue, and see better customer retention.


“Commerce7 has the best experience on the web with our personalizations, upfront pricing, and other tools. We wanted to bring this same experience to email. Personalization has made a huge difference in the ecommerce experience and we believe it’s also going to have a large impact on email” says Andrew Kamphuis, President of Commerce7


Email marketing integrations with third parties such as MailChimp, Premier Cellar, and iPost have been available for wineries from Commerce7’s partners. However, there are still over 70% of wineries on Commerce7 that are not utilizing the current integrations available today.


Wineries using Commerce7 have access to campaigns directly within the platform, where they can set up and launch their email marketing initiatives in order to better personalize their customers’ experience, and send more meaningful and effective communications while giving them the proper tools to report and track their success.


Wineries can effectively segment their customers based on existing data and tags within Commerce7, and send more personalized communications to their customers.


Email customers the wines they want to see by including personalized product selection.


Upfront Pricing & Discounts
Commerce7 users can now utilize upfront pricing and discounts directly in segmented email campaigns so that each customer sees their correct pricing and discounts.


Email Templates
Wineries can choose from pre-built templates that automatically pull the brand’s logo, fonts, colors, contact information, and include additional editing functionality. Templates ensure emails are always clean, clear, and consistent with the wineries brand.


Tracking & Reporting
Like any marketing initiative, being able to track campaign performance is the only way to understand campaign success. Campaigns in Commerce7 will track:


● Total sends
● Opens
● Clicks
● Revenue
● Spam
● Unsubscribes
● Bounces


For questions and comments please contact

About Commerce7:

Commerce7 is a DTC platform focused on providing customer-centric commerce solutions to the wine industry. Innovative features such as being 100% API based, their personalization engine, and modern ecommerce and club solutions has made it the platform of choice for wineries looking for a more modern solution. Regardless of size, all clients on the Commerce7 platform have access to the entire suite of products and all features and functionality. For more information, visit