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MEDIA ADVISORY: Release of Wine Grape Crush Report, Experts Explain Market Impacts and How the Data from the Crush Report Can Be Deceiving



CONTACT: Steve Fredricks, President / Partner: (415) 847-0603: specialty: grapes and bulk wine throughout California and around the world
Brian Clements, Vice President / Partner: (707) 495-8151: specialty: grapes throughout California, especially Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino and Lake Counties
Erica Moyer, Broker / Partner: (209) 988-7334: specialty: grapes from the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys and the Central Coast
Audra Cooper, Broker / Partner: (805) 400-9930: specialty: grapes from the Central Coast
Mike Needham, Broker / Partner: (707) 849-4337: specialty: grapes from the North Coast


WHAT: The California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Final Grape Crush Report for 2020 is a barometer for the wine and grape industry, containing prices and tons of wine grapes crushed during the 2020 harvest. The Crush Report provides growers and wineries insight into the inventory position for the California wine business as a whole, and influences market dynamics for the current bulk wine market as well as the upcoming 2021 harvest.


WHEN: CDFA is scheduled to release the Grape Crush Report at noon on Wednesday, February 10, 2021.


ANALYSIS: The February 10th release will likely show a reduction in both tons crushed and district average grape prices primarily in coastal regions. This, however, is not the full story. The yields per acre statewide were shaping up to be smaller than average early in the season, and this was exacerbated by fires in the North Coast and Monterey County. Due to the concern of exposure to smoke, some grapes went unsold and unharvested. The closure of on-premise locations has impacted consumer demand and therefore the demand for grapes, and while these trends are more unique for each producer than ever, the short crop has pushed markets from excess towards balance overall, at least in the short-term. For accurate analysis on what the CDFA Crush Report means for the industry, please reach out to us.


WHO: With over 48 years of wine industry experience, Turrentine Brokerage, California’s largest wine grape and bulk wine brokerage company, has a team dedicated to be trusted and strategic advisors to wineries, growers and financiers. Turrentine Brokerage is available to provide comment and analysis on this report and its probable impact on growers, wineries and consumers.


Turrentine Brokerage will have its experienced team of grape and wine brokers and analysts available all-day Wednesday, and throughout the week for comments and questions.