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DEADLINE EXTENDED: Silicon Valley Bank DtC Winery Survey NOW ends March 26

The deadline for completing the SVB’s Annual Direct to Consumer Wine Survey has been extended to March 26th at 11:59 p.m. PST.


This final week will be your last chance to complete the survey to gain access to the following benefits:


  • It’s free! There is no cost to you.
  • Separate charts and graphs that will enable you to compare your results to those of the overall US wine business.
  • Full survey results with exclusive access to our proprietary insights, strategies and tactics to help guide your direct to consumer programs.


Silicon Valley Bank has publicly researched the wine industry for over 20 years and spent more than a decade producing annual nationwide benchmarks for direct to consumer wine sales.


Once again, this is your last chance to participate. The survey closes March 26th at 11:59 p.m. PST.

Click here to take the survey