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FIVS launches rebuilt FIVS-Assure database promoting responsible consumption



Press Release – Paris, 12 May 2021 — FIVS is pleased to announce the launch of its improved FIVS- Assure online database, containing exemplary social responsibility initiatives and good practices by the wine, spirits, and beer sectors from around the world.


Publicly available, the enhanced site offers an intuitive design with additional features that enable users to locate a wider range of initiatives more easily.


“The new FIVS-Assure site demonstrates how the wine, spirits, and beer sectors are encouraging the responsible consumption of their products”, said FIVS President Greg Hodson. “It shows programmes throughout the world that advance the aims of key United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and therefore also the ‘triple bottom line’ of sustainability”.


“It is critical to have a tool such as FIVS-Assure that enables everyone to easily locate innovative programmes addressing underage drinking, responsible marketing and advertising, drink-drive, and other critical societal matters”, commented Wine and Spirit Trade Association European and International Affairs Director Simon Stannard. “With this database, FIVS encourages good practices throughout the industry that are responsive to aims described in the WHO’s Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol”.


FIVS-Assure now has a more user-friendly interface featuring three sections:
• a national drinking guidelines interactive map that includes governmental recommendations, • a section that highlights exemplary programmes, and
• the initiatives database itself, enabling filtering by location and topic.


Visitors are encouraged to contact FIVS regarding other initiatives for inclusion. First launched in 2007, FIVS-Assure is a living database whose resources are constantly added and updated.


FIVS – global trade federation for the alcohol beverage industry since 1951
We are committed to providing a venue and developing tools to encourage and secure sustainable development by our members and the wider industry, in keeping with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our membership includes producers, importers, exporters and trade associations (currently accounting for 75% of the wine traded globally). We also welcome and collaborate effectively with affiliates from allied industries.
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