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Jason Adams of Fort Myers, Florida and Andrew Cullimore of Brazil newest TCM™ Certified Authenticators



San Francisco: 10 August 2021 – Chai Consulting is delighted to announce that Jason Adams and Andrew Cullimore have finished three years of, at times rigorous, training and are the two newest TCM™ Certified Authenticators.


During their training, under the pupillage of master authenticators Maureen Downey and Siobhan Turner, they followed a structured program designed to give them the in-depth theoretical knowledge and to hone their practical skills to enable them to examine wines from around the world to determine authenticity.


Siobhan Turner, Head of Authenticator Training, said, “It has been a great pleasure to work with Andrew and Jason in a variety of settings around the world. They both have a creative and yet disciplined approach and an excellent eye for detail, and I know they will bring all of these skills together with considerable personal charm to work for their clients.”


Andrew Cullimore said, “With growing awareness, particularly in the Brazilian and Latin American market, of the problem of wine fraud, my expertise will prove invaluable to clients, identifying problematic bottles and providing court-ready reports to enable them to achieve restitution for counterfeit wines. I am delighted to have achieved this certification and look forward to working bringing my expertise to ensure that my clients have peace of mind about the authenticity of the wines they buy.”


Jason Adams said,” In the relatively short time since completing my training, I have already identified a number of high-end, very skilful counterfeits, that I am pleased and relieved to have been able to prevent going onto the wider market. This will provide an important additional resource to offer both my existing private collector clients and those looking for reassurance, be it for a one-off purchase or a full cellar evaluation.”