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Napa Valley Vineyard Owners Seminar

2010 Vineyard Owners Seminar

June 15 – 16, 2010

12:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. / 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Trinchero Napa Valley

3070 St. Helena Highway North

The NVG will host its 3rd Vineyard Owners Seminar on June 15 & 16, 2010 at Trinchero Family Estates in St. Helena.  This year’s seminar will focus on current approaches to long-term strategic issues that vineyard owners are facing in the Napa Valley.  Experts and industry leaders will discuss: Financial Options for Vineyard Owners in 2010; The Decision to Replant – Ideas and Questions to Consider; Taking Advantage of Estate Planning in a Down Economy; Developing a Farm Plan – Getting the Most for your Farming Dollar; and more!  Space is extremely limited – click here for more information and to sign up today.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

12:30 p.m.         Registration with Refreshments

1:00 p.m.           Welcome & Introduction

David Beckstoffer, President, Napa Valley Grapegrowers

1:30 p.m.            Napa Valley Vineyard Ownership: Glamorous Lifestyle or Awesome Responsibility?

Randy Snowden, Snowden Vineyards

2:15 p.m.            Option 1 – Wait, Option 2 – Action

Financial Options for Vineyard Owners in 2010

Kay Philippakis, Farella, Braun + Martel

John Fisher, Fisher & Company

3:45 p.m.           Break

4:15 p.m.            The Decision to Replant – Ideas and Questions to Consider

Moderator – Jerry Lohr, Founder, J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines

Bill Turrentine – Turrentine Brokerage

Mark Battany, San Luis Obispo & Santa Barbara Viticulture Farm Advisor

5:45 p.m.           Wine & Hors d’Oeuvres Reception hosted by Trinchero Family Estates

Terrace at Trinchero Family Estates

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

8:00 a.m.           Continental Breakfast

8:30 a.m.           Welcome & Introduction        

Jennifer Putnam, Executive Director, Napa Valley Grapegrowers

8:45 a.m.           Taking Advantage of Estate Planning in a Down Economy

Moderator – Wyman Smith, Gaw Van Male

Estate Planning: What to Expect from Congress in 2010

Lori Hunt, Gaw Van Male

10 Biggest Mistakes in Estate Planning

Mike Manfred, Gaw Van Male

Advanced Estate Planning Techniques to Consider in this Economy

Dave Gaw, Gaw Van Male

Property Tax Issues & Implications for Vineyard Owners

John Tuteur, Napa County Assessor

10:15 a.m.          Break

10:45 a.m.         Developing a Farm Plan: Getting the Most for your Farming Dollar

Moderator – Franci Dewyer, Etude & Fosters Wine Estates Americas

Critical Elements of Vineyard Management

Zach Berkowitz, Zach Berkowitz Vineyard Consulting

Farm Plans:  The Key to Great Communication with Your Winery

Jim Verhey, Silverado Winegrowers LLC

Putting your Farm Plan to Work: Implementation with your Vineyard Manager

Stan Zervas, Silverado Farming Company

12:15 p.m.          Luncheon with wine provided by Trinchero Family Estates

Terrace at Trinchero Family Estates

NVG Member Admission: $150 / General Admission: $250

Click here to register today!

Thank You to our Premier Sponsors

Farella, Braun + Martel

Gaw Van Male

Trinchero Family Estates

To preserve and promote Napa Valley’s world-class vineyards