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1 in 4 US consumers who have returned to the office attend after work drinks in the On Premise weekly – CGA Consumer On Premise Impact Report



Tuesday 5th July, 2022


1 in 4 US consumers who have returned to the office attend after work drinks in the On Premise weekly – CGA Consumer On Premise Impact Report


CGA’s Consumer On Premise Impact Report uses data from a survey (June 22-24, 2022) of nearly 1,600 consumers within Florida, Texas, California and New York to explore their expectations, desires and how they plan to behave in the next two weeks.


Overall visitation


  • In terms of average eating and drinking visitation to date this year, 66% of consumers have gone out to eat and 39% of consumers have gone out to drink in 2022
  • 7 in 10 consumers have visited restaurants and/or bars for food-led occasions in the past 2 weeks (+1pp vs May), and over 2 in 5 doing so for drink-led occasions (+4pp vs May).
  • The frequency of visits to On Premise venues has remained consistent. Almost 4 in 5 consumers have visited the On Premise 3 or more times in the past 3 months.
  • Future visitation looks to remain consistent with 7 in 10 planning to eat out in the On Premise during the next 2 weeks and encouragingly, half plan to head to venues for drink-led occasions.
  • Beer and cocktails remain the most consumed alcoholic drink categories in bars and restaurants.
  • The vast majority (85%) of consumers visited the On Premise in the past 2 weeks.
  • Consumers remain eager to visit the On Premise in the near future, with 4 in 5 intending to make their next visit to bars/restaurants within the next fortnight.


After Work Drinks


  • 44% of consumers are back in their place of work/office full time or part of the time.
  • Of those that are back in their place of work, 1 in 4 visit the On Premise for after work drinks on a weekly basis, with 23% of consumers visiting fortnightly.
  • 3 in 5 of those visiting for after work drinks are likely to visit on a Friday.




  • 1 in 5 consumers have visited nightclubs in the past 2 weeks.
  • Unsurprisingly, consumers tend to visit nightclubs mostly at the weekend, with Saturday being the most popular day – followed by Friday
  • Late evening is the most popular time for visiting nightclubs, followed closely by 2 in 5 consumers visiting during the late night.
  • 2 in 5 consumers drink shots during their visits, making it the most popular drink choice for this venue.


Matthew Crompton, CGA Regional Director – North America, said “These insights are just a small part of the analysis we can provide as part of our Channel Strategy research, which will be available from August. The research includes a series of targeted reports providing insights into channels which are often difficult to read, such as casinos, stadiums and nightclubs and offers data all the way down to brand level .”


The Consumer On Premise Impact Report is a consumer research report tracking and reflecting on how consumers currently feel about the On Premise, and how the sector can position its offering to increase visitation. The latest On Premise Impact Report by CGA, along with other special reports issued over the past several weeks, can be found here: