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Rabbit Ridge New Owner Responds To Trustee’s Contempt of Court Filing.

A NOTE from Lewis Perdue, Wine Industry Insight Publisher and Executive Editor:

Because the court filing was filed late yesterday (July 5), and because I am having  eye surgery early tomorrow morning, I have written a lead paragraph accompanied by an attached PDF of the court filing.

I have annotated the filing, rather than my usual complete article. The annotations are those of interest that I normally make in preparation for composing an article.

There are three files attached (full documents available for premium subscribers):

  • An incorrect/incomplete filing in which a three-page “Background” section had been omitted
  • A correct version of the filing, and
  • My annotated version of the correct version filed.

I hope you will find this unusual presentation informative.


After seven requested filing delays, Northern Holding, Inc. CEO Leroy Codding — who is also the CEO of Rabbit Ridge Wine Sales has responded to contempt of court allegations made by the bankruptcy court trustee. Rabbit Ridge was acquired out of Chapter 11 on Oct. 28, 2020 by Northern Holding, which filed its own Chapter 11 hours afterwards.

Court Filings (premium)

  • Codding Opposition To Trustee Contempt Motion – Correct Version (Annotated By Wine Industry Insight)
  • Codding Opposition To Trustee Contempt Motion – Correct Version
  • Codding Opposition To Trustee Contempt Motion – Original Filing, Incorrect Version

Full Bankruptcy Court sales approval document (including price and other details) for Wine Executive News premium subscribers.

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