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TRAINED FOR “SAVING LIVES” Is An Important California Life Saving Program Ron Rubin Winery Expands Distribution Reach, Covering all of CA



Sebastopol, CA: Ron Rubin, Ron Rubin Winery, has expanded his program for saving lives, to
include ALL California wineries. This important life-saving plan is in collaboration with the
American Red Cross and ZOLL Medical Corporation. Ron Rubin Winery is covering the $1,699
cost for one ZOLL AED PLUS (Automated External Defibrillator), for each qualifying winery.
In order for a winery in California to qualify and receive its ZOLL AED PLUS, California
winery owners or representatives must contact Ron Rubin; either by phone at 314.726.9630, or
by Email at


After a winery’s qualifications are approved to receive ZOLL AED PLUS, it will be promptly
contacted, by a representative from the American Red Cross. This person will help to schedule a
CPR/AED/First Aid training for the “NEW” American Red Cross blended learning course. This
includes a convenient online portion, and an instructor-led classroom skill session, for your
winery’s team. (Special discounted training rate of $75/person* for qualifying wineries
participating in this program.)


The following recipients have taken advantage of this important lifesaving program; and, are
sharing their thoughts on the ZOLL AED’s importance in wine country.


The following wine companies have endorsed this important TRAINED FOR “SAVING LIVES” PROGRAM.


ACORN Winery, Healdsburg ~ Bill and Betsy Nachbaur, Owners
We’re thrilled to have one at ACORN Winery, and hope we never have to use it. Thank
you, Ron.


Davis Estates, Napa Valley ~ Jessica Link, President
At Davis Estates, we uniquely understand the urgency of always being prepared. Our
winery is still standing today because of some very brave firefighters, and because of the
way our team was prepared for a wildfire. That’s why when Ron Rubin offered to provide
us with a potentially lifesaving AED for our property, we immediately saw the
importance that something like this could hold. Thankfully we have yet to use it, but we
appreciate knowing that it’s there and are grateful to Ron for his generosity.


Pedroncelli Winery, Geyserville ~ Julie Pedroncelli, Owner
When we were approached about being given an Automated External Defibrillator
(AED) through the generosity of Ron Rubin’s mission we were happy to say yes. We are
located in a rural area far from medical services. Having an AED onsite is possibly
lifesaving for our guests and our staff, should anyone have a need of this important
medical device.


Vincent Arroyo Winery, Calistoga ~ Matt Moye, Owner
We were fortunate to receive an AED (ZOLL defibrillator), from Mr. Rubin several
years ago. It was very important to us, being in a remote area, to have the capability of
saving someone’s life. Fortunately, we have not had the reason to use it, but knowing
that my staff is fully trained, if such a matter did occur, is a relief. We were trained by
the Red Cross, and it couldn’t have been easier. They came to the winery and went over
the procedures and we even all got certified in CPR and first aid. Hopefully, we never
have to use it; but, having it here at our facility is one step closer to saving a life.