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I went to the Vino Casino. As usual, the House won.

I went to the Vino Casino. As usual, the House won.

Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 9.26.26 AM

Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 9.26.00 AM

Years ago, when Locations founder Dave Phinney personally selected and vinted this series of wines, I loved every single one.

Now, this over-tannic, fruit-starved, plonk-wannabe has all the character of a sloppy dumpster diver combined with the charm and elegance of a bad $6 bottle of wine.

At an SRP of $29.99 ($23.56 at Raley’s) this is the epitome of why I (and many, many other customers) no longer buy wine at retail, and purchase only what has been previously tasted and enjoyed.