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Connoisseurs’ Guide to California Wine Ceasing Publication

Copy of email from CGCW:


“It is with great sadness that the time has come to let you know that Connoisseurs’ Guide to California Wine will be pausing publication for an as-yet-indeterminate time. Most of you have been aware that over the past year, each issue has been appearing later and later in the month. The reason has been no lack of effort but is instead due to health issues that can no longer be ignored and must now be addressed. We simply do not know when, if and in what form the Guide may reappear, but know that the forty-eight-year experience of reviewing wines under the Connoisseurs’ Guide banner has been nothing less than a pure joy for us and an enterprise the success of which has been entirely due to you, our treasured readers.


With a bit of time and good luck, the CGCW experience may yet continue, but a hiatus is in order. We will not be accepting new subscriptions or renewals at this time as we cannot guarantee what might lie ahead, but, in the meantime, if you are receiving this letter, you will continue to have access to the CGCW website, database and back issue which will remain functional through the first quarter of this year. In addition, we will be happy to email pdf copies of any back issues from the past 11 years upon request.


During our publishing interregnum, we will endeavor to continue the CONNOISSEURS’ SERIES wines-of-the-month club created by the California Wine Club ( exclusively for CGCW readers and featuring hard-to-get two- and three-star CGCW selections with CORISON Cabernet Sauvignon St. Helena 2019, LARRY HYDE Merlot Carneros 2019, MORET-BREALYNN Pinot Noir Lakeview Russian River Valley 2021, and LAFOND Pinot Noir Sta. Rita Hills 2019 as this month’s offerings.


It has been an altogether remarkable five-decade run for us and, while we are not yet ready to say that it has come to an end, we regret that the future is far from certain and that nothing, not even Connoisseurs’ Guide, is forever. We cannot thank you enough for what has been a long and deeply satisfying journey. Rest assured that we will let you know what might be next in the months ahead, and, again, know that you have our undying thanks for permitting us to have done what we most enjoy.


Stephen Eliot
Editor and Publisher
Connoisseurs’ Guide to California Wine”