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CDFA Lowers 2010 Pierce’s Disease Assessment

CDFA Secretary Kawamura Approves Lower Pierce’s Disease Assessment for 2010

Sacramento, CA – July 15, 2010 – A.G. Kawamura, Secretary of California’s Department of Food and Agriculture, has set the wine grape assessment at $0.75 per $1,000 dollars crushed value for the 2010 wine grape harvest. During its June 29th meeting, the Pierce’s Disease/Glassy-winged Sharpshooter (PD/GWSS) Board recommended to the Secretary a reduction to $0.75; wine grapes were assessed at $1.00 the two previous harvests.

“By setting the rate at 75 cents per $1,000 of value for this year, the board feels it can continue with the important work that we’re doing on Pierce’s disease while acknowledging that this is a difficult time for growers all over the state,” said PD/GWSS Board Chairman Greg Coleman. “We are in a position to stay on track with our research goals and also provide a degree of relief to our growers, and the board felt it was important to do that under the current economic circumstances.”

The annual assessment is used primarily to fund research directed toward a solution for Pierce’s disease, a bacterium vectored by the glassy-winged sharpshooter that kills grape vines.


The PD/GWSS Board was established in July 2001 to support scientific research to find a solution for Pierce’s disease. An annual assessment paid by winegrape growers supports its research efforts. The PD/GWSS Board also advises the California Department of Food and Agriculture on a variety of other issues pertaining to Pierce’s disease and the glassy-winged sharpshooter.

CONTACT: Jay Van Rein

CDFA Pierce’s Disease Control Program

(916) 654-0462(916) 654-0462