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Feds Give Calif Ag $17+ MillionFor 64 Projects, 5 Wine-Related

The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced the award of $17,281,158 to the California Department of Food and Agriculture for 64 projects approved by the Agricultural Marketing Services Specialty Crop Block Grant program.

The USDA did not disclose the amounts for each specific project. New York had no wine specific projects approved. New York, Oregon had one each and California five.

The full list for all states can be found here (.pdf).



  1. Partner with the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance to develop and implement a data-driven targeted education project to speed adoption of sustainable practices that conserve natural resources and enhance the competitiveness of California wine.
  2. Partner with Paso Robles Wine Country Alliance to conduct a direct-to-consumer marketing campaign that will grow the market for vintners and growers in the Paso Robles American Viticulture Area by creating awareness about the area’s diversity among consumers, trade and media.
  3. Partner with the California Agricultural Export Council and other interested members, which represent California specialty crop products such as almonds, pistachios, prunes, raisins, walnuts, and wine to implement a specialty crop promotional campaign in Europe.
  4. Partner with California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance to field test, evaluate, and implement a climate protection incentive system incorporating the DeNitrification DeComposition model and practices that improve air quality, reduce emissions, improve carbon sequestration potential, and promote other environmental benefits.
  5. Partner with the Wine Institute to compare and analyze current cleaning and sanitation practices of California wineries and food processors in order to provide information to interested parties to help facilities select methods that offer improved environmental performance.

New York

  1. No wine-specific awards.


  1. Partner with Oregon Wine Board to increase consumer awareness of Oregon certified sustainable wine through media relations, online marketing, and trade education


  1. Partner with the Washington Wine Industry Foundation to develop a free, web-based educational resource to provide Washington wineries guidance on improving sustainable practices through compiling and analyzing information thatprovides “real life” examples.


California Department of Food and Agriculture
Amount Awarded: $17,281,158.92 Number of Projects: 64

Partner with the University of California’s Center for Produce Safety to validate the thermal inactivation data of E. coli
0157:H7 and Salmonella spp in compost using naturally occurring isolates, and to develop and validate practical methods
for improvement in pathogen control during composting process and subsequent storage and handling
Partner with the University of California’s Center for Produce Safety to help the leafy greens produce industry determine if
wild amphibians and reptiles are potential carriers of E. coli 0157:H7 and Salmonella in the central California coast
produce production region and identify management practices and prevention strategies that reduce the risk of
contamination of leafy greens and nearby waterways

Partner with the University of California’s Center for Produce Safety to determine if E. coli 0157:H7 can be transferred by
dust or wind from cattle production environments to leafy green produce crops, the impacts of environmental conditions
and proximity on this potential transmission, and the effect of environmental conditions and proximity on the density of

Partner with the University of California’s Center for Produce Safety to explore some of the water quality issues related to
chlorine effectiveness with the goal being to identify several easily measureable water related factors that can be easily
monitored by the specialty crop industry to increase the effectiveness of chlorinated sanitizers

Partner with the University of California’s Center for Produce Safety to develop non-invasive imaging methods to
characterize interactions of pathogens with leafy green vegetables and evaluate the potential risk of infiltration/infusion
upon vacuum cooling of leafy greens

Partner with the University of California’s Center for Produce Safety to develop data that can be used to accurately define
“buffer zones” appropriate for grazing of sheep near the production of leafy greens

Partner with the University of California’s Center for Produce Safety to bring all walnut handlers up to a common level of
knowledge about food safety hazards, processes, and programs through a series of online educational modules and facilitate
a series of group meetings with handlers to prepare a hazard analysis appropriate for the individual operations

Partner with the University of California’s Center for Produce Safety to provide a scientific basis for making
recommendations on glove use and sanitation during harvesting head lettuce and contribute to the improvement of the
safety of fresh produce

Partner with the University of California’s Center for Produce Safety to investigate the environmental factors that trigger
survival mechanisms in outbreak-related strains of Salmonella and to elucidate those mechanisms related to desiccation
tolerance and environmental persistence, which will help the produce industry interpret Salmonella-positive test results and
assist in the decision-making process related to pre- and post-harvest risks of contamination

Partner with SureHarvest to build on the successes of the Multi-Commodity Sustainability Practices Program funded in the
previous grant cycle which developed for 10 California Commodity groups a sustainability strategic plan, education and
outreach model, and a sustainability practices framework. This project will use the education/outreach model and the
practices framework to develop self assessment tools for at least 8 specialty crop commodity groups, convene at least 10
self assessment workshops for each of the commodity groups, and bench mark an agreed upon set of practices and
performance metrics for each group

Partner with Paso Robles Wine Country Alliance to conduct a direct-to-consumer marketing campaign that will grow the
market for vintners and growers in the Paso Robles American Viticulture Area by creating awareness about the area’s
diversity among consumers, trade and media

Partner with Western Growers Foundation to build on the communications plan currently being developed as part of the
2009 block grant cycle, the California Specialty Crop Communications Coalition (CSCCC) will create and execute a
promotional campaign that communicates the value of the specialty crop industry to the consumer. The CSCCC will utilize
a ‘free groceries for a year’ sweepstakes to drive consumers to the CSCCC website where they can register for the contest
and learn more about the benefits the specialty crop industry provides the state

Engage social media to raise consumer awareness on California specialty crops and the farmers • who grow our food
Partner with the Regents of the University of California, Davis to expand and improve the online specialty crop production
information now available at the University of California’s established Fruit & Nut Research and Information Center
website and call-in center

Partner with the Trust for Conservation Innovation to build on a previously funded project to add two more counties,
Sacramento and Santa Clara, to the previous six in San Diego, Los Angeles, Fresno, Monterey, Oakland and San Francisco
to encourage the purchase of eligible specialty crops by SNAP, seniors, and WIC clients at farmers markets. All project
participants will be trained to ensure all funding solely benefits eligible specialty crops

Partner with Buy California Marketing Agreement to conduct a ‘California Grown’ umbrella marketing effort that will
feature growers who are the heart and soul of the California specialty crop industry

Partner with Sunsweet Growers, Inc. to advertise and promote a newly formulated prune bread emphasizing the dried plum
(prune) content

Partner with the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance to develop and implement a data-driven targeted education
project to speed adoption of sustainable practices that conserve natural resources and enhance the competitiveness of
California wine

Partner with the California Department of Pesticide Regulation to create a website that features successfully integrated pest
management in California orchard crops through a combination of words, images, and voices to extend the message to both
agricultural and urban communities

Partner with the Alliance for Food and Farming to correct the misconception that some fresh produce items contain
excessive amounts of pesticide residues by providing the media, the public and various target audiences with scientific
information concerning the safety of fresh fruits and vegetables

Partner with SureHarvest to expand the scope of subjects covered by the California Almond Sustainability Program selfassessment
and work collaboratively with key almond grower and industry stakeholders to expand outreach in the grower

Partner with Western Growers to identify where online conversations about the California specialty crop industry are
currently taking place, determine what topics are important to consumers, and engage consumers in real-time dialogue
designed to educate them about the benefits the industry provides to the state

Partner with the California Agricultural Export Council and other interested members, which represent California specialty
crop products such as almonds, pistachios, prunes, raisins, walnuts, and wine to implement a specialty crop promotional
campaign in Europe

Partner with the Ecology Center’s Nutrition, Food, and Farming Policy program to develop a city-wide planning effort that
focuses on increased California specialty crop availability, implementation of a marketing campaign for specialty crops at
local farmers markets, and provide assistance in the receipt and utilization of wireless electronic benefit transfer devices
and Market Scrip. Matching funds will be utilized to cover expenditures for non-specialty crop commodities

Partner with the Center for International Trade to research, create, and circulate an electronic Specialty Commodity
Opportunity Outlook that uniformly quantifies and prioritizes export markets for California’s top twenty specialty
commodities, which represent more than 6 billion of the state’s specialty commodity exports

Partner with Sustainable Agriculture Education to provide real-time, accessible crop information to the public through the
development of a syndicated web feed of California specialty crop information for print and online newspapers to feature
on their weather and food pages

Partner with the Almond Board to conduct a state-wide survey of almond production practices that will assist in the
development of a comprehensive carbon literature review, modeling of soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics, and the
development of a comparison between total carbon impacts of applied pruning compared with burning

Partner with the California Cut Flower Commission to examine California flower farmers’ current sustainability practices
and establish a carbon footprint analysis method that compares imported flowers to California Grown flowers and conduct
a comprehensive public relations campaign targeting industry, media, and consumers with findings from the study

Partner with the Buy California Marketing Agreement to implement a marketing and public relations campaign in Canada
to increase exports of California specialty crops

Partner with California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance to field test, evaluate, and implement a climate protection
incentive system incorporating the DeNitrification DeComposition model and practices that improve air quality, reduce
emissions, improve carbon sequestration potential, and promote other environmental benefits

Partner with the California Kiwifruit Commission to research and evaluate the potential to reposition and sell California
kiwifruit through retail and other channels and improve the profitability and sales of California kiwifruit, which will
improve grower return and ensure industry stabilization

Host a plenary panel and discussion on the role specialty crops play in meeting the world’s growing food and energy needs
at the 2010 Governors’ Global Climate Summit

Partner with Western Growers Foundation in cooperation with the California Department of Education to provide Garden-
Enhanced Nutrition Education (GENE) grants to 100 child care/pre-school sites for garden equipment, supplies, and
professional development

Partner with the California State Beekeepers Association, Inc. to encourage land owners and land managers to produce food
resources for pollinators, specifically forage crops for honey bees pollinating CA specialty crops

Partner with the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom to develop a 16-page standards-aligned, activitybased
newspaper supplement to showcase California specialty crops and improve the public’s appreciation of agriculture’s
value to the health and well-being of all Californians; and develop a 4-page Spanish version of the supplement

Partner with the Center for Land-Based Learning to create a beginning farmer training and incubator program for specialty
crops in the Sacramento Valley through the utilization of the experience and resources of partner organizations

Partner with the Cachuma Resource Conservation District to increase grower access to up-to-date technical information in
Spanish concerning strawberry production, which will enable small/medium-acreage growers to effectively address
common challenges

Partner with the University of California at Santa Cruz to train school personnel and their partners in educational and
administrative activities that support the incorporation of more fresh fruits and vegetables in school meals and snacks

Partner with the Ecological Farming Association to increase the implementation of science-based drought-management best
practices among specialty crop growers through technical seminars and field days, partner with technical experts to develop
a curriculum to deliver to existing producer networks, and work with technical support entities to increase funding for and
delivery of water management support services

Partner with the California Apple Commission to explore industry options to develop a test that objectively assesses levels
of starch iodine for the release of California Granny Smith (G. Smith) apples

Partner with the Wine Institute to compare and analyze current cleaning and sanitation practices of California wineries and
food processors in order to provide information to interested parties to help facilities select methods that offer improved
environmental performance

Partner with the American Farmland Trust California to conduct focus groups with growers, commodity groups, private
service providers, academics, and others with knowledge of specialty crop production to understand barriers to the adoption
of Beneficial Management Practices by specialty crop growers and determine the best strategies for encouraging growers to
adopt cost-effective practices that improve the environmental performance of their farming operation

Partner with the Valley Fig Growers to enhance the competitiveness of California fig growers by contracting with a food
product development firm that will assist in the development of new value-added uses for fig paste

Partner with the University of California to work with several school districts and their regional partners to expand their
procurement of local seasonal fresh produce, enhance their ability to integrate a specialty crop nutritional curriculum by
providing outreach and professional development to school personnel, and assess changes in food preferences and dietary
behaviors of children in participating school

Partner with the University of California Cooperative Extension to develop best management practices for onion seed
production in California that will focus on pollination ecology, iris yellow spot virus, and onion thrips control

Partner with the Cuties Clementine Cooperation to quantify consumer tolerance for dryness in California mandarins
through surveys and taste panels and test a variety of methods to identify and prevent dryness during cultivation, packing,
and postharvest

Partner with the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service to screen, study, and identify heattolerant
lettuce and spinach varieties that can also be grown in low land cost areas of California in order to ensure the longterm
future, reduce production costs, and improve the profitability and sustainability of lettuce and spinach crops

Partner with the University of California at Davis to assess the ability of California strawberries to restore impaired insulin
signaling in people with insulin resistance and the mechanisms of action for the development of preventative strategies
including strawberry consumption

Partner with the California Farm Bureau Federation to strengthen the state’s ability to respond to invasive species that
damage specialty crops by leveraging a broad network of experts and stakeholder communities to draft a comprehensive list
and strategic plan for the state; develop an outreach plan to increase public awareness of invasive species impacts to
specialty crops; and monitor implementation progress through the first year and report to the Invasive Species Council of

Partner with the Regents of the University of California, Berkeley to continue efforts to release and evaluate four exotic
olive fruit fly parasitoids in order to improve sustainable table and oil olive management

Partner with the Regents of the University of California, Berkeley to test the area wide application of mating disruption of
vine mealybug in Napa County and work in synergy with a current USDA project on GLRaV biology and ecology

Partner with United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service to develop standardized template
preparation using pathogen-infected citrus and amplification of target nucleic acid sequences in high throughput qPCR
assays capable of detecting multiple pathogens in a series of single and multiplex assays

Partner with the Regents of the University of California, Riverside to evaluate the efficacy of organic
pesticides for Asian Citrus Psyllid control so science-based control recommendations can be made to organic citrus growers

Partner with United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Services to reduce or eliminate grower and
packing company losses on baby leaf lettuce production from the pests downy mildew, Xanthomonas campestris pv. vitians
(Xcv), and leafminers by developing resistant lettuce breeding lines and populations within three years and release these to
private seed companies for distribution to growers; and generate critically needed information regarding the Xcv-lettuce
pathosystem, this will increase the effectiveness of developing new resistant cultivars and lead to improved cultural control
measures due to the identification of important inoculums sources

Partner with the Regents of the University of California, Davis to develop and optimize a tractor-mounted steam injection
auger for soil disinfestation at individual tree sites in tree nut and stone fruit orchards

Partner with the Regents of the University of California, Davis to use sex pheromones to improve monitoring and provide
an alternative control (mating disruption) for Mealy plum aphid and leaf-curl plum aphid in prunes

Partner with the Regents of the University of California, Davis to study a series of pheromone rates up to the top
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered rates to identify the greatest extent of control that is possible

Conduct laboratory efficacy trials of an anthraquinone-based repellent to minimize impacts of wild birds to the production
of almonds, lettuce, melons, and ginseng

Partner with the University of California at Davis to survey resistance ratios in olive fruit fly populations from California
regions not sampled in a previous study, select a resistant olive fruit fly strain from California as a lab colony that can be
used to isolate resistance-related mutations, identify mutations in the acetylcholine receptor subunits that are linked to
spinosad resistance, shed light on the resistance mechanism, determine associated genetic markers that can be easily used as
a molecular test for assessing frequency of the resistance alleles, and document need for additional control products

Partner with the California Association of Nurseries and Garden Centers to create a science-based best management
practice rating screen for nursery crops, survey exiting best management practices, use the screen to identify and rank those
practices with demonstrated benefits for nurseries, classify the remaining practices based on their apparent potential for
benefit, make nurseries aware of the most effective practices that reduce risk of introduction or spread of existing or new
invasive pests and encourage them to use those effective practices

Perform a statewide environmental analysis of the possible negative environmental effects of California’s Specialty Crop
Protection Program for the control and eradication of invasive pests in order to develop implementable measure that protect
specialty crops without causing negative affects to the environment

Partner with the Brentwood Agricultural Land Trust to develop a business plan for the ‘scaled up’ Brentwood-Richmond
Farm 2 Table Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), identify efficient ways to aggregate and transport source-identified
specialty crops from local producers and provide nutrition programs to CSA families

Partner with Tuleyome to develop a community garden in Woodland, California on a half acre lot near the city center,
public transportation, and low income housing in order to provide an opportunity for thirty to sixty gardeners and their
families to grow specialty crops and increase their families’ intake of fresh fruit and vegetables

Perform pre-award and post-award activities in order to administrate the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program funding and
ensure that the State Agency and sub-awardees abide by Federal and State requirements and regulations