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French ‘wine terrorists’ attack merchants selling foreign produce

The London Telegraph is reporting that a shadowy group of French “wine terrorists” have launched a campaign of attacks on merchants selling foreign produce in southwestern France.

French police are searching for members of the group which poured more than one million bottles worth of red, white and rosé down the drain in their third commando-style attack in three weeks.

“In a predawn raid, the wine activists broke into the vignerons des Garrigues, a wine co-operative group in Nimes, pulled out the plugs from eight huge vats and emptied 11,000 hectolitres – the equivalent of 1.2 million bottles – of wine into the premises, from where it seeped out into an adjacent river.”

Wine terrorists: French 'wine terrorists' attack merchants selling foreign produce

Wine terrorists: CRAV stands for Le Comité Régional d’Action Viticole (Regional Committee for Viticultural Action), a group known to hijack tankers of foreign wine and dynamite government buildings or supermarkets.

They oppose merchants who bring in foreign wine from Spain or Italy and accuse them of cutting prices to unreasonably low levels

“French police are searching for members of the group which poured more than one million bottles worth of red, white and rosé down the drain in their third commando-style attack in three weeks.

“In a predawn raid, the wine activists broke into the vignerons des Garrigues, a wine co-operative group in Nimes, pulled out the plugs from eight huge vats and emptied 11,000 hectolitres – the equivalent of 1.2 million bottles – of wine into the premises, from where it seeped out into an adjacent river.

“In a predawn raid, the wine activists broke into the vignerons des Garrigues, a wine co-operative group in Nimes, pulled out the plugs from eight huge vats and emptied 11,000 hectolitres – the equivalent of 1.2 million bottles – of wine into the premises, from where it seeped out into an adjacent river.”

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