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Salisbury Vineyards Getting Interest In New Equity Offering

Salisbury Vineyards is seeking up to $4,000,000 to retire high interest debt, expand the vineyards and tasting room, and possibly pursue property for a future winery site and/or vineyard, according to founder John Salisbury .

“One half of this fund raising will most likely come from present creditors (family & friends) who will convert portions of their loans into ownership. The appraised valuation of the three companies is $9,000,000 in the aggregate. An investor may purchase a .5% share in each company for $45,000, $90,000 for a 1% share, and more shares up to 9% per investor because of alcohol licensing requirements.

“Therefore, if an investor signs up for 1%, he or she will own 1% of each company – Salisbury Vineyard, LLC (Vineyard property – 113 acres), Avila Valley Vineyard Partners, LLC (Schoolhouse 2 acre real estate) and Salisbury Vineyards, Inc (wine sales and leased vineyards). Groups can also put together an investment fund to purchase units.

“We already have 5 sign ups thanks, in part I think, to potential & looming inflation on the horizon. Plus, we are selling a lot of wine with a major government contract a strong possibility. This weekend we sold the most wine ever which, along with the Holiday buying, will make November the best ever. So we are confident that this by the bootstraps operation that didn’t ‘have a large fortune to make a small fortune’ will be a successful survivor.”

Click here for the rest of the  summary.

Contact Salisbury directly ( for a copy of the offering prospectus.