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Spendor in the Grass? Laughter In The Dregs?

For people who ponder what wine goes with sacred cow, comes a web-based, wine-humor web site called Dregs Report (, scheduled to go live at 6:30 a.m. Eastern Time April 1.

The new site is a collaboration of 40 wine bloggers and writers coordinated by W. R. Tish (editing), Katie Pizzuto (graphics) and Dale Cruse (coding).

According to Tish, each headline on the Dregs Report homepage links  to an independent blog, website or “Dregs Exclusive” jump page. The contributors, blogging/writing from all over the globe, will be listed alphabetically at the site.

While many believe that “wine humor” is an oxymoron at best or sacrilege at worst, Tish said that, “There is one serious message the Dregsters hope to convey: Wine IS fun. The wine industry always likes to talk the talk about making wine fun; Dregs Report walks that walk.”

Walking is fine, but will readers drink the Kool-Aid … or a big wacking Zin?