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Wine Group CEO Details Insight & Strategy On Millennials & Generational Marketing

Everybody in today’s wine industry talks Millennials, but few companies have positioned themselves better to capitalize on this 75-million-strong demographic than The Wine Group (TWG).

What’s more, Wine Group CEO David Kent indicates that his company may have the industry’s firmest grip — not just on Millennials — but on generational marketing as a whole.

In a rare, detailed presentation in Fresno Nov. 19, 2010 at the San Joaquin Valley Winegrowers Annual Meeting, Kent candidly described TWG’s overall generational marketing that includes:

  • Pre-Boomers
  • Baby Boomers
  • Gen X
  • GenY/Millennials

Wine Executive News (formerly VIP Premium) Subscribers please click here to read the complete, original, in-depth, 956-word article.

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