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Ross Email Details Further Pierce’s, Sharpshooter Cuts

From: Carol Tate On Behalf Of Karen Ross, Secretary
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 4:52 PM
Subject: Summary of Additional Cuts to CDFA Programs in Final State Budget

CDFA Stakeholders,

As our state government continues to work through some of the most difficult budgetary times in memory, I thought it was important to keep you informed about cuts to our CDFA programs.

The budget signed recently by Governor Brown included an additional $4 million in cuts beyond the originally proposed reduction of $15 million for fiscal year 2011-12.

The additional cuts affect three CDFA programs:  the Pierce’s Disease Control Program ($3.06 million), Red Imported Fire Ant ($749,914), and the Medfly Preventive Release Program ($194,000).

The cut to our Pierce’s Disease Control Program is substantial and requires us to reduce operations and personnel in our trapping and biocontrol projects.  We are working with the PD/GWSS Board, USDA, counties and other stakeholders to identify ways to minimize the overall impacts.

The cut to the RIFA program represents CDFA’s entire quarantine enforcement budget for this invasive pest; CDFA will work with counties on local options.  The smaller cut to the Medfly program will be achieved through increased efficiencies and without significant impact to the program.

These cuts, as well as those previously identified in the original $15 million reduction to our General Fund budget, were achieved with the advice of many members of the California agricultural community.

These are tough choices, to say the least.  I thank you for your assistance and support in arriving at these difficult decisions.  Your continued involvement will be both necessary and appreciated as we turn our attention to the next round of cuts to General Fund support, as directed by the governor.

Yours truly,

Karen Ross, Secretary

California Department of Food and Agriculture

1220 N Street, Suite 400

Sacramento, CA 95814

(916) 654-0433