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Barrel Stop/Dominari Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Custom-crush winery Barrel Stop, which also produced its own wine under the Dominari label, filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection early today, July 28. The company had previously  defaulted on its real-estate and equipment loans to Mechanics Bank and faced a foreclosure sale, also today. That sale was postponed by the Chapter 11 filing.

Click on this link for Wine Industry Insight’s previous Barrel Stop coverage.

Barrel Stop’s  incomplete bankruptcy filing listed 50 to 99 creditors and assets and liabilities both between $1,000,001 and $10 million. The rest of the incomplete filings are due by Aug. 11.

The first meeting of creditors is scheduled for 1:30 p.m., Aug. 26 at the Santa Rosa U.S. Trustee Office.

Barrel Stop’s 23,000 square-foot facility, which has been open for less than a year, is located at the northeast corner of Trancas and Big Ranch Road in Napa and sits on an 11-acre parcel once owned by pro golfer Johnny Miller.

Wine Executive News (WII’s premium service) subscribers can click here to obtain a copy of Barrel Stop’s initial bankruptcy petition which lists the 20 largest unsecured creditors.

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