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Beringer/Constellation Rumors + Other Interesting Bits


Wine Industry Insight readers have noticed that it gives credit to other reporters and publications whenever it uses their data.  It’s just the honest, ethical thing to do. After all, a lot of work is involved in gathering and writing the news.

Sure, the law says that facts cannot be copyrighted. But doing the right thing requires acknowledgment to those who dug up the facts.  It also offers some protection for those who do not do their own digging, just in case the facts they lift are not correct.

It takes a lot of hours to filter through statistics, legal filings, government documents, SEC paper — and to make calls and send emails to the key players to get comments and clarification. Those who leech off that sort of perspiration can’t be described in polite language.

I learned about the following stories from other publications. Sure, I could have re-written things in a silly fit of self-promotion to make people think I was every where, all the time.

That’s wrong. That’s also why the currently blank column to the far right (Other Voices) will soon be used for stories like the ones, below.

Okay, that’s enough ranting. On to the news.


A Decanter article by Richard Woodard reports on rumors that Constellation Brands may be looking to snap up Beringer.

Woodward writes that, Constellation may use the proceeds from its liquor sales  sales  for ” more acquisitions to consolidate its position as the world’s biggest wine producer. Although the US company said it will use the proceeds from the US$334m sale to reduce debt, some analysts suggest Constellation might bid for Foster’s wine business, currently under strategic review.

“Another possible target could be Ste Michelle Wine Estates. The future of the North American business, which includes Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars in the Napa Valley, has been in doubt since the acquisition of parent company UST by tobacco giant Altria last year.”

Read the rest here.


Researchers have found that marinating  steak and chicken in wine or beer before grilling dramatically reduces the production of cancer-causing compounds known as heterocyclic amines.

The research, just published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

According to New Scientist Magazine, “Cooking food increases levels of cancer-causing compounds called heterocyclic amines (HAs). Fried and grilled meat are particularly high in these compounds, because fiery temperatures convert the sugars and amino acids in muscle tissue into HAs. Various substances can reduce HA content: an olive oil, lemon juice and garlic marinade cut HAs in grilled chicken by 90 per cent, while red wine reduced HAs in fried chicken.”

Read the rest of the story here.