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New Vine Founder, Chairman Offer Update

The following was posted as a comment on Wine Industry Insight’s article on the New Vine shutdown. It has been elevated to its own article in order to give it more prominence. The following is unedited and the entire comment.

In response to yesterday’s media reports about the suspension of New Vine Logistics’ business operations, Homer Dunn, chairman of the board, and I would like to issue the following statement:

New Vine Logistics is currently working with customers to transfer all services to another means of legal direct shipping, and in the meantime, is finalizing all work, including compiling of reports, reconciling inventory and invoices, and performing all of the necessary business operations for the months of May and June.

In response to comments that the company knew it was in financial trouble, we truly believed that we would have been funded and were not expecting to have to cease operations.

“New Vine has always been committed to quality, legal service, and built the only service that integrated compliance and fulfillment.  It does cost more to be compliant and follow all the laws established by the various states.  The company also pioneered many solutions such as temperature controlled packaging. The whole objective was to allow wineries to concentrate on sales and marketing, versus the back end processes from inventory to fulfillment to special services to compliance.”

New Vine was founded in May 2001 by wine industry, technology, and transportation veterans to solve the complex business problems associated with the interstate sale and distribution of wine. The company has developed proprietary fulfillment systems that enable fully compliant consumer-direct shipping in up to 44 states.

We will keep winery customers, employees and shareholders advised of next steps. We deeply apologize for the situation, and we pledge to work with our customers to make as smooth and expedient shipping transition as possible.

Kathleen Hoertkorn, founder
Homer Dunn, chairman of the board