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Heading to Napa for the Sonoma Wine Auction

We’re headed to Napa to escape the Sonoma Wine auction tourist jams.

For locals,  the event means more tourists than ever, stopping in the middle of the road to take a picture of every damned grapevine in sight … and drinking way more than usual which is usually way more than they should. Makes going to the grocery store for milk a bigger adventure than it’s worth.

So, we’re headed to Calistoga — at the north end of Napa Valley.

The Calistoga Speedway has a down-home  race track that will host  the Louis Vermeil Classic.

The Vermeil Classic is a series of USAC (Indy-car)-sanctioned races … plus afternoon pre-race wine-tasting and a vintage car exhibition that will keep us far from madding Sonoma auction crowds.

Will be meeting up with friend James Jory, who is CTO of VinTank.

His folks have been in racing here for decades … they own 3 of the cars racing, so we’ll have drivers to root for.