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Comcast Weekend Work Fixes News Fetch Internet

When Comcast fixed my Internet they left me with a connection fast enough to spin my eyeballs around.


I’m extremely happy with the fix. Not so much with the system.

While the customer service reps I spoke with on Wednesday morning were courteous, they did nothing.By Friday morning my connection had crawled to 0.072 Mbits/sec — darned close to no connection at all.

That was when I looked up every possible Comcast email address and started sending out an SOS.


I should not have had to do this. Comcast customer service had three days to do something and did nothing.

Now, no organization is perfect. No one is perfect. But good people and organizations move quickly to acknowledge mistakes and correct them.

To my total astonishment, by 5 p.m. Friday, a Comcast tech showed up at my door and started work testing everything. He continued Saturday morning. And that afternoon, a second tech came by.

By 3:43 p.m., we went from dead on the launch pad right into orbit.

speedtest-graph-1008111Issue detected, issue corrected.

I did not expect this. This is because way too many organizations, both large and small, don’t care a whit about their customers. I’ve experienced that with: AT&T, Blue Shield, Bank of America and even the Santa Rosa Press Democrat newspaper and a few small businesses here in Sonoma, some of which have gone under – no surprise (nor sorrow).

I am cautiously optimistic that the speed will remain high and that — if it fails again — customer service won’t fail again. I am grateful to the people who made things right. And hope there are a lot more of them at every level doing the same.