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Ah Shaddup Awreddy With Trump Winery’s Reality Show Bubkes!

In addition to the news crawler I programmed to find articles for News Fetch, I log onto 163 web sites (as of latest count) each morning. Occasionally something keeps coming back like bad indigestion and today it’s the fascination with The Donald and his Virginia horse country “winery.”

A couple of examples:

A few years back I met the Donald backstage at the taping of an episode of The Apprentice in New York. I was there with producer Mark Burnett whose company had optioned several of my books.

Now, I have worked as a top aide for a state governor and on Capitol Hill in Washington, run races for the U.S. House of Representatives and as a reporter have covered The White House, Supreme Court and the U.S. Congress. I mention this, because that experience has offered me ample access to some of the most towering egos, arrogance and over-inflated self-opinions on the planet.

And The Donald eclipsed all of that. Total eclipse. He lacks manners. Blows the top end off the narcissism scale.

Not likeable. Not at all.

He is the embodiment of a strutting, boasting reality show that’s only interesting to the sort of people who enjoy rubbernecking at the scene of a fatal car crash and Tweet pix of the body parts.

So, unless something truly newsworthy happens with his enoplaything, he is FIRED! from News Fetch.

Now, back to substantial things.