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Stinky Slanted Word Choice Of The Day

We all know that PR people are paid to make their clients look as good as possible.

There are some solid PR professionals out there who know that good PR is good journalism from the client’s standpoint.

But, then there are the not-so-solid who churn out some pretty arrogant, odious and otherwise distasteful writing and word choices.

Usually, we on the receiving end, simply hold our noses or head for the barf bag. Then move on.

Every now and then, the balance tips, as it did this morning with this piece of  *****, er, prose.

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This is not the worst, but it was just today’s virtual straw.

“Reveal” implies some sort of irrefutable truth … the kind you find as in, “reveal the cause of cancer” or “reveal the origin of the universe.”

Used in this sentence, this is a hype word. Here, it implies a greater truth, a higher importance than merited by this publicity “news.”

This is not a revelation.

This is a summary of the opinions of some people who may or may not be significant. It’s a data point, an indication, not a revelation.

Which is why it’s here, and not in today’s News Fetch