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Hawke To Be New Michel-Schlumberger Winery Head

Sources tell Wine Industry Insight that Gary Hawke — who recently resigned as CEO of Pellegrini Winery — will be the new Managing Director of Michel-Schlumberger Winery.

Pellegrini signed on with Pellegrini in mid-August, 2009 and was responsible for overseeing all operations, as well as managing the performance of the winery and the Pellegrini, Olivet Lane and Cloverdale Ranch brands. Previously, Hawke  served as vice president of finance and administration for Lynmar Winery in Sebastopol, and before that as vice president and chief operating officer of Guenoc Winery.

Hawke has a 30-plus year background as a Certified Public Accountant, including owning his own practice. He began his career with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell (now KPMG). In addition to previous senior positions with Lynmar and Guenoc, he has held chief financial officer and management posts with Martin Ray Winery and the Codera Group. He and his wife live in Windsor.