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Verizon’s Wireless Data Saves News Fetch From AT&T/Hilton Tin Can Internet Purgatory

I bought a MiFi wireless modem from Verizon yesterday.

Using the Verizon wireless connection instead of the bogus AT&T/Hilton tin can Internet was like getting bailed out of jail after a false arrest.

As you can see by the graphic, below, Verizon Wireless got me 11 Megabits/sec instead of AT&T/Hilton’s last-century, Third World HALF a Megabit/sec.

In addition, the Verizon Wireless connection is secure, whereas the AT&T/Hilton connection allows easy access for strangers to steal your passwords and other sensitive data.


Right click on the image above, then select “view image” to enlarge.

Below is the same speed test for the AT&T/Hilton garbage they charge $6.95 per day for. Not to mention their fraudulent claims that their service is “broad band” or “high speed.” Click here (AT&T and Hilton Not Ready For Business With Last Century Internet) for details on the News Fetch struggle to get the news to you on time.
