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Pancho Campo hits out against bloggers [POST DELETED]

I was going over my News Fetch archives from last year, looking for some material to use in this Friday’s seminar I’m teaching in the MBA program at Sonoma State, when I ran across this from Jamie Goode’s blog:

Pancho Campo hits out against bloggers [POST DELETED]

In light of what has come to light about Campo over the past couple of months, the following (bold emphasis added) seemed worth revisiting. Goode’s post reads:

“I have just had a lengthy phone conversation with Pancho Campo, in which he explained all the details of the trip he organized for Dr Jay Miller of the Wine Advocate, and how all the expenses were borne by the Wine Advocate. He also explained that he has been the subject of a lot of criticism because of this episode, some of which has been very personal.”

It’s understandable that Jamie took Campo at his word back then and extended the professional courtesy of deleting the post.

The post and the comments that remain are worth reading. And pondering.