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Wine Industry Snoozes While NeoDrys Beat The Drum On Wine Research

Always remember, just because something is false or distorted doesn’t keep people from believing it.

Early this morning, I Tweeted this:

Fraud does not negate 25yrs of solid wine&health rsch.But NeoDrys will say it does while wine industry stays silent.

And then, as I was finishing up today’s News Fetch, another Tweet:

And so it begins: “Red wine, not so healthy after all?

Then, after today’s News Fetch went out, the emails started to come chastising me for including that headline in the links.

The following captures the tone of most of the emails:

“I am surprised that you allowed such silly headline get into your blog. The author, Rebbecca has a very shallow and misleading heading. If you look at the original report, it simply states that the researcher falsified some of his work and is being dismissed from his post. You do great work to be balanced in your selection of articles, but this one obviously slipped through.”

And my response:

“This didn’t slip at all.

“I print those sorts of things to let the industry see what is going on … in hopes that something might be done. The industry is, and has been asleep at the wheel with this and will get beaten to a pulp by the NeoProhibitionists unless someone counteracts that. Sadly, that is unlikely.

“This data falsification is just the sort of thing that the Marin Institute, the NIAAA and every other NeoDry needs to launch a public relations campaign to confuse the issue and try to negate the 25+ years of solid research on moderate consumption and health.

“So, yes, something has slipped … but it’s a cog at the Wine Institute, Family Winemakers and every other wine association, winery and adult beverage company in the country.

“A sante’!