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IBG Issues Comment on WII Auction Articles

July 9, 2009

Statement from Ted Jansen, President and CEO of Inertia Beverage Group

Inertia Beverage Group is proud of our recent cash advancement into New Vine, which ensured service for customers across the country and benefits creditors by preserving and protecting the value of the collateral being sold.

Next week’s auction, in which all of New Vine’s assets will be for sale with the assistance of the reputable firm Sherwood Partners, is a further demonstration of our commitment. We have fulfilled all legal requirements for the execution of the auction and have been conducting the process in a fair and open manner, including directly contacting more than 35 companies to notify them of the auction and the opportunity to participate. These steps have been taken to maximize the value of the New Vine assets. We anticipate that these steps will result in even greater opportunities for customers, the direct sales channel and the wine industry as a whole.

Inertia Beverage Group and our investors have always been a champion for Direct Sales as the most profitable path for wineries to gain market access, increase sales, protect their brands and create margin opportunities.