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Korbel family feud gets nastier over Web comment

The Santa-Rosa Press-Democrat is reporting that the feud between Korbel Champagne Cellars’ owner Gary Heck and his daughter is getting nastier and more bitter by the day.

“When Korbel Champagne Cellars’ owner Gary Heck sued to find out who was saying nasty things about him on the Internet, he might have been surprised to discover an answer so close to home.

The anonymous critic on Craigslist was his daughter Richie Ann, according to papers Korbel filed in Sonoma County Superior Court.

Heck and Richie Ann Samii are embroiled in a bitter legal fight over a multimillion-dollar stake in Korbel, America’s top seller of traditional sparkling wine.

Heck is now suing his daughter for defamation, alleging she’s the source of online diatribes that damaged the reputation of the century-old Guerneville winery.
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