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WII Subscriber survey and most current subscriber base verification


The image, below, is a screenshot of our email server software admin page noting the send in progress indicating a subscriber base on January 10, 2020 of 31,197

Screen Shot 2020-01-12 at 1.57.30 PM

Subscriber Demographics

Our subscriber survey comes from a direct surveys done in 2012 and 2015 and  mathematical updates done in 2017 and 2018.

In 2012, we sent surveys to 4,000 subscribers of our 18,533 daily circulation. We received replies from 3,377 of them. In 2016, we sent surveys to 5,000 subscribers of our 23,275 daily circulation.

We found that the percentages of job and sector classifications were nearly the same. So out most recent Demographics use estimates of the percentages of each category times current circulation. WII-NF-email-dailydemographics-byTITLE1