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Wine Fumbles Health Issue, Spirits Industry Picks Up Ball

I’ve written frequently on the fact that the American wine industry is asleep at the wheel when it comes to countering the surge in anti-alcohol sentiment. This is especially true when it comes to the California Wine Institute, the largest wine trade organization in America.

Despite its neglect of the wine and health issue, the Wine Institute argues that it works quietly, lobbying politicians and the like. But that ignores a rising tide of NeoProhibitionist sentiment in government at ever level, along with NeoDry advocacy groups who are rapidly gaining share of mind.

The Wine Institute also offers the lame excuse that the government does not allow wineries to promote health benefits. Has anyone there noticed that the Wine Institute is not a winery?

Well, DISCUS — The Distilled Spirits Council — does its share of lobbying (frequently to the detriment of the wine industry) AND seems to realize that anti-alcohol sentiment needs to be addressed. That’s why this news release

was refreshing.

Sadly, the Wine Institute and every other wine-oriented association has decided to roll over and play dead when the NeoProhibitionists come to town.

The anti-alcohol movement is steadily eroding the American consumer’s view of the  “French Paradox” gains made since the 60 Minutes program in 1991.

That program — which was helped by now-defunct Wine Institute efforts — was a Black Swan event that lifted red wine sales to a remarkable extent.

Those gains will gradually disappear unless someone does something.

Every day when I produce News Fetch for my 17,000 subscribers, I look for health-related issues, including alcohol regulation based on health concerns. I don’t weight things one way or another. I include every appropriate article. In the past year, the number of anti-alcohol articles has gradually grown and the positive ones have decreased.

Anti-alcohol zealots never give up. And when the wine industry snoozes at the wheel, that’s when the NeoDrys push even harder.