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Wine & Health: Where The End Begins

Once you lose the public battle over the benefits of moderate consumption, all you have left is an end game over taxes, minimum prices and alcohol as the evil in every social ill.

After you lose the battle for public opinion over the beneficial effects of moderate alcohol consumption, then you have conceded the debate to the NeoProhibitionists and their well-funded government and NGOs.

And make no mistake, those in the anti-alcohol juggernaut believe that ALL alcohol consumption is the same evil and to be elevated to the pantheon of “other drugs” … tobacco, cocaine, crystal meth, heroin, Chardonnay. Wine’s just another gateway drug to the doors of Hell.

The battle to be joined is science versus emotions, fact over groundless faith. Yes, fight abuse. But fight for health.

This is the wine industry’s battle to lose. And it’s doing a fine job of that.

Here are the health and regulation links from today’s News Fetch. Can you spot the trend?