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Tastes Are A Changin’ – A Vintner’s View

Herewith an email from Rob Arnold, Founder of Chandelle Winery. Reprinted by permission.

Lew, I noted one of your links today to the subject ‘Tastes Changing.’

Yep. Here’s what we have found developing over the past 3 years in the Tasting Room as the Boomer generation fades.

1. No one buys wine for aging any more. Period. They’re drinking it right now or for some, this month, a few, maybe later this year.
2. No tannins at all, please. Not even soft, round ones. None. Ever. Forget it. A Big Defect.
3. Crisp? No way. Defect. Poured out with disdain.
4. PH? Hate food friendly PH. Food? Nope, wine is a cocktail.
4. Balance? Who cares. Mid notes? Say what? “No time for no stinking balance.”
5. Loud flavors please (think really nasty almost VAish reds you would normally pour out).
6. No whites. For sissies. If its summer, it’s complicated odd cocktails. Craft beer. Don’t insult the taster by mentioning whites! “Just what sort of wine drinker do you think I am?!”
7. Wines that they can pronounce, only. Looking stupid is not in for the Facebook generation. Love saying “Pinot” even if they don’t like the wines.

One Result: heavy gelatin use in reds after shorter skin contact; coloring up with neutral blending grapes after.

Instant 2011 Cabs to pour!

Higher RS to fight off the high ALC.
Aging potential? Next quarter!

This jives with other industry types I have chatted with up and down the food chain.

Occasionally you get folks in who buy a case to lay down. Not often. Blast from the past.

The future.

Best, Robert