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Effective Advertising: Good News & Bad For Mayacamas

Received in today’s email:

Dear Mr. Perdue

We are receiving many inquiries asking if this winery is for sale due to your website item listing “Mayacamas Vineyard” for sale, which we are not. Please release a correction indicating that the well known Napa county winery Mayacamas Vineyards is not for sale but a Sonoma county vineyard in the Mayacamas Mt. Range apparently is.

Thank you very much,

Robert Travers,
President, Mayacamas Vineyards

Turns out that the real estate advertisement listings we received from Wine Country Classifieds and published in last Friday’s issue of News Fetch listed “Mayacamas Vineyard” for sale.

As Mr. Travers points out, that’s not the Napa winery of fame, but a Sonoma County vineyard in the mountains between the two valleys. This sort of confusion is relatively common when you name a company after a geographic region. Wine Country Classifieds will work with its advertiser to clarify that if the listing runs again.

And here at Wine Industry Insight, we’re happy that our daily wine News Fetch advertising gets results. But we regret that this listing got so many results … for the wrong property.