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The $1,000 Wine App: PA Pushes The Envelope of Cluelessness

The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board is marketing a $999.99 ‘Millionaire’s Wine App.’

Something this ridiculous is its own parody that’s impossible to top. So read on.

Description (from iTunes)

Exclusivity, Luxury, Privilege.

VIP Black, ‘The Millionaire’s App’, is the first and only premium lifestyle application for the iPhone. Members receive ‘VIP Treatment’ – personalised attention and heightened experiences across the range of luxury partners.

VIP treatment allows members to geo-locate partner venues and receive extra-special experiences through surprise gifts, welcome packages, complimentary room upgrades, exclusive rates, priority access, and other unique privileges. For premium members VIP treatment is available across our global range of luxury partners.

Partners include Gordon Ramsay Restaurants, Virgin Limited Edition (Necker Island, The Lodge Verbier, and more.), Firmdale Hotels, and many other premium brands, venues and services around the world. Membership covers all aspects of the luxury lifestyle including butlers, theatres, personal trainers, private jets, a concierge, casinos, personal styling… And much more.

*Please note: Black is the premium version, the first ‘Millionaire’s App’. Upon download, prospective members will be required to certify they are High Net Worth Individuals with assets and/or income in excess of £1 million. Upon completion each approved member will be eligible for a personal consultation to explore how iVIP Ltd. can manage their VIP lifestyle.

Any resulting project plan, personalisation, and bespoke software/app and/or hardware development will come at additional cost.


Read the rest at iTunes