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Napa’s Sutter Home Hammers Amador Wineries, Claims It Trademarked “Sutter”

Sutter Home Winery has been hammering small Amador County vintners with legal threats, claiming that it has trademarked the word “Sutter” and is vowing to enforce it against all comers.sutter-tm

Amador County newspaper, the Ledger-Dispatch, has reporting that at least three wine-related businesses in or around the town of Sutter Creek, have been coerced by Sutter Home lawyers into changing their names.

“I decided to trademark ‘Sutter Creek Wine Tasting,” said Jack Feichtner, partner in a company of the same nametold the Ledger-Dispatch. “I did it online for $375. Right after, I received a letter saying Sutter Home had trademarked the words, regardless of the name of the town. They have been twisting my arm – I abandoned my trademark to satisfy them.”

Read the rest of the Ledger-Dispatch article