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SO Last Century: Thanks for the Credit, Wine Business


Gallo Buys Prized Snows Lake Vineyard


Thanks for the credit  (not!) on breaking this article.

And many thanks for all the credit on Wine Industry Insight’s other reporting: Crushpad, Ascentia, Cosentino, Barrel Stop, and …

Oh wait! You still haven’t let Wine Business readers in on the full details of a LOT of those stories over the past four years because your management has a policy never to admit that anyone else could possibly have a valid story. Your readers ought to wonder what else they’ve missed. And will continue to miss.

On the other hand, I frequently put links to Wine Business articles and blog posts in my daily News Fetch. Why would I do that?

Because there is often solid, useful and timely information there.

Because my current 18,500 subscribers deserve all the valuable news regardless of the source.

Because I still have a fondness for the media company I founded in 1991.

Subscribers to News Fetch rank way ahead of some petty delusion that information is a zero-sum game and that acknowledging other work somehow diminishes one’s own efforts.

That’s SO last century.

The interests of an informed subscribership should always come first, not some outmoded notion that one must elevate oneself by depriving readers of news.


I suppose some would consider me silly because I believe you should treat others’ work the same way that you would want your own work treated. The Golden Rule is never obsolete.